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Donley Ford

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Proud Sponsors Of
The Pure Stocks

Hamlin Racing Engines

Lake Wapusun Campground

America's Best Siding

We'll Always Have Our Memories

I don't know how to write an obituary for a race track, so I'll just share my thoughts. Anytime a race track is lost it's pretty tough on all the racers, fans, and staff that have been a part of it over the years. It's especially hard on those of us that have decades of memories to deal with. Personally, I grew up at at Lakeville Speedway. From sitting in the stands at age 5, to wrenching on cars and turning laps in my teen years. Later in life I found myself truly a part of Lakeville Speedway and spent the last few years on the flagstand and behind the scenes during the week. I can't say it has always been great fun, but the good times out way the bad times by far. Fond memories of those "tanks" they used to call Late Models, the early Modified/Sprints, and all the way to the birth of Mini Stocks and Mini Trucks, will always be with me, and they all include Lakeville Speedway. This place has given me so many great family memories too and that probably hurts the most when I think of a future without this historic track. The new owners confirmed our worst fears yesterday as they shared their plans to get to work right away stripping and leveling the place that many of us have called "home" for so many years. Barring some miracle Lakeville Speedway has been lost forever as of January 23rd 2014. What a damn shame!

As sad as this news is, I'm sure many are already looking for somebody to blame for this loss. Can we blame Randy & Agnes for letting this place go? Sure, they didn't do everything right and they sure as hell could have done things differently that would have given this track a better future. It's impossible to put all the blame on them though. Can we blame a competing track in the area that set out to hurt Lakeville from the start? Well, that damn sure didn't help when it was already clear that Lakeville was struggling finacially. The rest of the blame might not be so easy for some of you to accept. Those who took every chance they could get to bash Lakeville Speedway in public and online over any little thing had a big part in it's death. Some even used Lakeville for their own gain and then went back to bashing them within days. You know who you are, and you should be ashamed of yourselves. The collection of "keyboard cowboys" out there may be relatively small, but the damage they do is very real and has real consequences. Are ya happy now or will you simply find another track to bash?

The lesson to be learned here is that track owners need to work wisely and get honest feedback from their customers FACE TO FACE. They can't be afraid to think outside the box and do things differently when needed. More importantly though, if you consider yourself a racer or fan, SUPPORT your local tracks in a positive way every chance you get. Sadly,you never know when that last chance may come if you don't do your part too. So the next time you have a bitch or suggestion for your favorite track, get off your ass and talk to the owners directly to express your concerns. They're normally very happy to hear from you and address your issues and explain their side of the situation. Keep in mind that maybe a rough spot in turn 1 or a little dust isn't the end of the world. But little things like that can lead to the end of a race track if handled in a selfish way too many times. Grow up people and make yourself part of the improvements in area racing. It can be very rewarding for everybody involved. If you can't do something that simple, please find another sport/hobby to occupy your time.

As for me personally, you'll find me at Hilltop every chance I get. Hope to see ya there.

....................................... Bob Wengerd

One Final Look From The Best Seat In The House...........

Results For August 3rd
Posted by Bob on Saturday, August 04 @ 11:59:38 CDT (2808 reads)
Results Modifieds
Heat 1-Darrick Hubbard,Thomas King,Jacob Myers,Melissa Haskins
Heat 2-Jason Morey,Rory Reed,Rick Tope,Jim Gerbasi

Pure Stocks
Heat 1
-Kyle Moore,Butch Butcher,Darin Clark,Ken Yarosh
Heat 2-Denny Shear,Bob Schippers,Heath Jessop,Billy Goerz

Heat 1-Bill Clemons,Kayla Graber,Jeremy Aumend,Steve Foley,Cody Radcliff

Heat 1-Jordan James,Doug Hensel,Jason St.John,Michael Rose,Kenny Long
Heat 2-Gary Hensel Jr,Roger Rush Sr,Roger Rush Jr,Tom Keller,Jason Gentry
Feature-St.John,James,Doug Hensel,Rush Jr,Long,Rush Sr,Hensel Jr,Keller,Gentry,

Mini Wedges
Heat 1-Cody Stillion,Triston Brown,Logan Duncan,Braden Morey
Feature-Stillion,Hannah Rose,Duncan,Morey,Brown,

We'd like to send a special THANKYOU to the Mini Wedges and their families for helping add to our show. You've now been given a spot in our weekly shows every friday night!

Feature Results For July 27th
Posted by Bob on Monday, July 30 @ 00:06:01 CDT (2458 reads)
Results Sorry folks, all I have this week are results for the features.

Feature-Jimmy Smith,Darrick Hubbard,Hilton Eppley,Thomas King,Jason Morey,Rory Reed,Eric Singhaus

Pure Stocks:
Feature-Glen Underwood,Denny Shear,Scott Richardson,Ken Yarosh,Kyle Moore,Billy Goerz,Steve Hinton

Feature-Jordan James,Jason St.John,Roger Rush,Jason King,Tim Dockerty,Greg Thompson,Kenny Long,
Jason Gentry,Brad Lawhorn

Feature-Steve Foley,Sonny Flannery,Bill Clemons,Ken Yarosh,Kayla Graber,Pauly Hess,Craig Holland

Results From July 13th
Posted by Bob on Sunday, July 15 @ 12:47:41 CDT (2437 reads)
Results Pepsi Modifieds
Heat 1-Darrick Hubbard,Rory Reed,Rick Mardis,Jason Morey,Jim Gerbasi
Feature-Mardis,Hubbard,Morey,Reed,Gerbasi,Mark Pogue

Holmes Pest Control Pure Stocks
Heat 1-Dave Haven Jr,Bob Daugherty,Butch Butcher,Denny Shear,Nathan Harris
Feature-Billy Goerz,Daugherty,Butcher,Haven Jr,Shear,Harris,Donna Canode,
Jeff Facemire(Matt Wallace DNS)

Lakeville Cruisers
Heat 1-Cody Radcliff,Steve Foley,Craig Holland,Bill Clemons,Sonny Flannery
Feature-Foley,Radcliff,Holland,Flannery,Clemons,Kayla Graber

Lakeville Bombers
Heat 1-Kenny Long,Jordan James,Tom Keller,Jeff Barker,Arlen Kemp
Heat 2-Matt Kemp,Jason St John,Michael Rose,Roger Rush Sr,Greg Thompson
Feature-St John,James,M.Kemp,Long,A.Kemp,Keller,Barker,Brad Lawhorn
Rush Sr,Rose,Thompson

July 6th Quick Results
Posted by Bob on Monday, July 09 @ 14:11:25 CDT (2577 reads)
Results Sorry it took so long to get these posted. We had a bit of trouble getting emails between Chuck and myself. The kinks seem to be worked out now.

Pepsi Modifieds

Heat1- Rory Reed,Mark Pogue,Billy Goerz

Holmes Pest Control Pure Stocks

Heat1- Dave Haven Jr,Billy Goerz,Charlie Dawson,Denny Shear,Jeff Facemire
Feature-Bob Daugherty,Goerz,Haven Jr,Shear,Dawson,Jeff Facemire,John Jones

Lakeville Cruisers

Heat1- Steve Foley,Pauly Hess,Craig Holland,Kala Graber,Kyle Pogue
Feature-Holland,Foley,Pogue,Sonny Flannery,Graber,Hess,Grizzly Clemons

Lakeville Bombers

Heat1- Gary Hensel Jr,Doug Hensel,Steve Miller,Brett Adkins,Kenny Long
Feature-Hensel Jr,D.Hensel,Steve Miller,Adkins,Long,Jeff Barker,Tom Keller,(Michael Rose DNS)

Pre-Season Updates
Posted by Bob on Thursday, June 14 @ 11:25:13 CDT (2785 reads)
Information Listed below are some of the pre-season updates that were previously posted here at the top of the page. They are being posted here as a reminder of some of the changes made for 2012.

**************Update From 6/8/2012***************

Here's the latest updates from our meeting on 6/7/2012:

Pure Stocks: Now allowed 4bbl. carbs and Bert/Brinn style transmissions.

Cruisers: V6 FWD cars are now invited to join this division. They must pass the roller test the same as the Mini Stocks. All Cruisers must run stock type steel wheels and pass vacuum gauge test (18 inches @700 rpm). Stock air cleaners/air boxes and are mandatory on all Cruisers. Automatic transmissions only in all Cruisers.

Modifieds: We are staying with the same TSMA style rules but TSMA membership is NOT required and TSMA points will not be awarded.

Mini Stocks: Stock FWD type steel wheels only. No offset wheels. Roller and vacuum gauge will be enforced.

**Any questions about rules are to be directed to Charlie Vansickle or Randy Young. Their phone numbers are listed on our "Contact Info" page of this site.

***********Latest From 6/12/2012************

We had a nice turn out last night from people filling out employment applications even in less than perfect weather. THANKYOU to all of you for showing your support and interest in Lakeville Speedway. A few more details were also worked out last night and they're listed below. Event times have been adjusted from last season to accommodate racers as well as fans.

Gate Times & Pricing (regular racing events only):
Pit gates open @ 4:00
Grandstands open @ 5:30
Hot laps @ 6:45
Drivers meeting @ 7:15
Racing starts @ 8:00
General Admission pricing- Age 10 & up = $10, ages 9 & under are free with paid adult.
Pit pass $-to be announced soon

We'd like to thank those of you that have continued to support Lakeville Speedway with your kind words and patience.

The Voice Of Holmes County

Wengerd Enterprises

Lakeville Weather

Pepsi-Cola Company

Proud Sponsors Of
The Modifieds

Dzugan Fire & Rescue

Modern Home Supply, Inc.

Eddie's Sunoco

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