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America's Best Siding FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

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·  Conduct & General Race Procedures
·  Super Late Model Rules (when scheduled)
·  Pepsi Modified Rules
·  Holmes Pest Control Pure Stock Rules
·  Lakeville 4 Cylinder Bomber Rules
·  Lakeville Cruiser Rules
·  2012 Payouts

·  Conduct & General Race Procedures


Any un-sportsmanlike conduct by a driver, owner, pit crewmember shall be grounds for disqualification and/or punitive action. DRIVERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONDUCT AND ACTIONS OF THEIR CREW MEMBERS. Consequences for unsportsmanlike conduct may be but are not limited to suspension, no payout, no points, and legal action.

      2. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages will be consumed by drivers or their pit crews prior to, or during an event. Use, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs at any time can be cause for immediate and/or indefinite suspension along with legal action.

      3. All drivers under 18 years of age (proof of age is required) must have signed and notarized consent form signed by a parent or legal guardian. Said document shall be in possession of the Lakeville Speedway before participation in any event.

      4. All cars are subject to inspection before competing in any event. Top four (4) cars in all feature events are required to stop in designated inspection area. If found illegal you will forfeit all money and points for that night. If found illegal a second time you will forfeit all money and points for the season and barred for not less than two (2) weeks.

      5. Failure to furnish a social security number, or providing a false social security number, will result in a $500 fine to the participant, and possible legal action by IRS.

      6. Any person (driver, car owner, pit crew member,  or anyone associated with a race car) that enters the scoring tower or flagstand will result in loss of points and payout for the evening, a fine of $100, and a two (2) week suspension from Lakeville Speedway. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED! Nobody is to approach the flagstand or scoring tower at any time for any reason unless told to do so. 

      7. Any physical contact with any track staff or official at Lakeville Speedway may result in fines, permanent suspension from the track, and legal action.

Race Procedures/Rules

  1. STARTING OF THE RACE - Leaders will bring the cars to the start point at a moderate pace. Do not get on the gas until you reach that point. If you get on the gas before reaching that point it will be considered a jump start.

  2. JUMP STARTS - It is considered a jump start if you accelerate before the starting point for the leaders. For those behind the leaders it is when you get along side the person you are following or get around that person before the green flag has been thrown. If your number is called out that you jump started you will get penalized 2 spots which will be accessed to you at the next caution or at the end of the race whichever comes first.

  3. If an accident occurs on the start of the race before the flag stand everyone will get their position back.

  4. If the accident happens after the flag stand on the start, the person that caused the accident will go to the tail and everyone else will get their position back.

  5. Judgment call will be in effect in all accidents or stoppage of the race. Whoever the track officials say caused the accident that person will go to the tail. Everyone else will get their position back. Failure to comply with this decision will result in disqualification. If you cause 2 cautions in a heat race or feature race you will be disqualified. 

  6. Stopping on the track to argue with officials will result in disqualification.

  7. Retaliation on the track or in the pits will not be tolerated and will result in disqualification and or suspension.

  8. Anytime you are disqualified in the B-Main or A-Main you will not receive your points or money in that event.

  9. RESTART POSITIONS - In case of a stoppage of a race we will revert to the last completed lap for positions. The driver who caused the accident or stoppage will go to the tail. Everyone else gets their position back.

  10. A completed lap is when the 1st and 2nd place car crosses the flag stand.

  11. ROUGH DRIVING - It is considered rough driving if your number is called out to the flagman numerous times in a racing event for consistent bumping. It is considered rough driving if you intentionally spin or hit another competitor hard enough to where he cannot compete. It is considered rough driving if the officials deem the accident could have been avoided.

  12. FOUR CYLINDER BOMBERS - If you hit a driver's door blatantly of another competitor it will not be tolerated and will result in disqualification for that event.

  13. If we have a multiple car accident we will stop you on the back stretch and reline the cars.

  14. Arguing about the lineup on the track will not be tolerated and will result in disqualification.

  15. Re-entering the track- If you go to the pits will only be allowed in the B-Main and A-Main only. If you go pit side in the heat race you will not be allowed to re-enter the race. In the B and A Mains you can only re-enter the race during a yellow or red flag situation. You cannot re-enter under a green flag situation. You will be disqualified with a possible suspension.

  16. Getting out of your car in a racing event will not be acceptable unless you are told by a track official. You will be disqualified.

  17. Fighting on the track premises will result in a suspension and all points and money will be forfeited.

  18. PASSING FLAG - If the passing flag is waved at you, you may continue racing. It is waved at you to tell you that you are about to be passed by the leaders. Remember that courtesy goes a long way. If you are running low stay low all the way around the track. If you are running high stay high all the way around the track. Maybe someday they will do the same for you.

  19. LEADERS - If you are coming up on a lapped car remember the lap car does not have to get out of the road for you. It is their choice. It is your job to get around him or her cleanly. If you spin him or her out you will go to the tail end of the line with him or her. No exceptions.

  20. Lapped cars on restarts will be lined up on the tail according to their position.

  21. Absolutely no working on the cars on the track during a red or yellow flag situation. If the Officials deem it necessary for a fuel stop it will be for fuel only. Any other work on the car will be done in the pits and you will be put on the tail on re-entry. That is for the B and A Mains only. You can only re-enter on a yellow or red flag.

  22. Track officials will be able to do minor body repairs if the tire is rubbing or parts are dragging. They will stop you under a yellow or red flag situation.

  23. In case of a red flag situation - stop as soon as possible, away from the accident, and leave enough room for the emergency personnel to get to them.

  24. Lakeville Speedway Management reserves the right to change any or all rules they see fit for better and safer competition.

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·  Super Late Model Rules (when scheduled)

  A. This division is limited to 2000 and newer American manufactured stock car bodies.
  B. Cars MUST have type of body style displayed on car with three-inch (3") minimum letters.

EXAMPLES: Monte Carlo, Taurus, Grand Prix, Intrepid.

  A. Nosepiece and roof MUST match body style of car.
  B. All cars MUST have a minimum of one and one half inch (1 1/2") roll at top of fenders, doors and quarter panels. A sharp edge will NOT be permitted. Body roll MUST go from sides over upper body, NOT upper body over sides.
  C. Floor boards and firewall MUST cover the driver's area and be constructed to provide maximum safety.
  D. Driver's seat MUST remain in the same general area as the general design of the car.
  E. Windshield screen or bars are MANDATORY.
  F. Neatly painted numbers at LEAST eighteen inches (18") high are REQUIRED on each side of the car and roof.
  G. Neatly painted number at LEAST six inches (6") high is REQUIRED on the fuel cell in a highly visible position.
  H. O fins or raised lips of any kind permitted ANYWHERE along the entire length of the car.
  I. Body line MUST be a smooth even line from front to rear.
  J. NO "slope nose" or "wedge" cars permitted, PERIOD!
  K. ALL cars MUST use corresponding engine. (EXAMPLE: Ford-Ford, Chevy-Chevy, Mopar-Mopar).
  L. NO "belly pans" or any type of enclosure on bottom of car is permitted. Skid plate to protect oil pan is permitted.
  M. Stock Nosepieces plus Roof and Roof Supports MUST match.

EXAMPLE: Monte Carlo-Monte Carlo, Taurus-Taurus, Grand Prix-Grand Prix, etc., etc.

  A. MUST be made of molded type material.
  B. A two piece nose MUST be fastened together in center. NO spacers to gain width permitted.
  C. MUST be mounted so as not to alter original shape.
  D. NO material can be removed from nosepiece. NO cutting from bottom, top, or sides.
  E. NO adding to bottom at frontal area to achieve lower ground clearance.
  F. Nosepiece can extend a MAXIMUM of 46" from center of front hub to farthest point extending forward.
  G. Front fender flairs MUST be made of plastic and CANNOT alter original shape of nosepiece.
  H. Front fender flairs CANNOT extend beyond front tire track width with wheels pointed straight. Front Fender flairs MUST have collapsible support (NO STEEL SUPPORTS).

Roofs are optional at all events at Lakeville Speedway in the Late Model division, however if a roof is used, these rules will prevail.
If you run "topless" and win the feature - $50 bonus!

  A. MUST be stock appearing and mounted level.
  B. MUST be stock dimensions.
  C. Forty-five inch (45") MINIMUM height from ground.
  D. MUST be mounted parallel to body and near center of car.
  E. A MAXIMUM one-inch (1") roll, turned downward, is permitted along the front edge of the roof. A MAXIMUM one-inch (1") roll, turned downward, is permitted along the rear edge of the roof. (Roll permitted to help strengthen roof).
  F. NO flat or odd shaped roofs permitted.
  G. ALL roof side panels MUST extend to edge of body, be flat, MUST be stock OEM size and MUST be of same make and model as nosepiece. Roof side panel window size MUST match dimensions in drawings. Window area MAY be covered with clear Lexan or transparent material (BOTH roof side panel window areas or NO roof side panel window areas).
  H. Any sun shields, four inch (4") MAXIMUM, MUST be able to hinge for easy exiting of car.
  I. Front roof supports permitted to be no MORE or no LESS than two inches (2") wide by twenty-four inches (24") long.

  A. MUST be level and flat from left to right side of car.
  B. Fenders may NOT gain height from rear to front of car.
  C. NO part of fender or hood can be outside of the body line.
  D. Thirty-four inch (34") MAXIMUM front fender height. Height is measured vertically from ground to top of fender at center of front wheels.

  A. At NO point can door sides break in towards center of car.

  A. NO offset quarter panels permitted. MUST be equally tapered towards the center of the car.
  B. Tire clearance from body MUST be a MINIMUM of two inches (2"). NO WHEEL SKIRTS permitted.
  C. At NO point can quarter panel sides break in towards center of the car.

  A. NO aluminum frames or front clips permitted in construction of car.
  B. MINIMUM 104" wheel base.
  C. RECTANGULAR or SQUARE TUBE FRAME: The wheel base of all cars MUST be constructed of two inch (2") by two inch (2") MINIMUM rectangular or square tubing with a MINIMUM of eight inch (8") circumference and a MINIMUM of eighty-three thousands inch (.083") wall thickness.
  D. TUBE FRAME: The wheel base of all cars MUST be constructed of a MINIMUM of one and three-quarter inch (1 3/4") round tubing and MUST have a wall thickness of eighty-three thousands inch (.083") MINIMUM. ALL tube frame cars MUST use 4130 Chrome Moly Steel in construction of frame.
  E. If rear bumper is stubbed, it MAY only extend a MAXIMUM of eight inches (8") beyond the frame. ANY stubbed rear bumper that extends eight inches (8") or more beyond the frame MUST be rounded and directed towards the front of car eight inches (8").

  A. Cars MUST have a suitable steel roll cage in drivers compartment including headrest.
  B. Side roll bars are MANDATORY and MUST extend into the door panels.
  C. A MINIMUM of three (3) bars MUST be used on the left side of the car. Each bar MUST be a MINIMUM of one and one-half inch (1 1/2") in diameter with a MINIMUM thickness of ninety-five thousands inch (.095").
  D. An intrusion protection plate MUST be on the outside of the bars (inside the body skin) using MINIMUM 1/4" steel or MINIMUM 3/8" aluminum. Plating to cover the ENTIRE door area from the frame rail to the top bar, front post to rear post.
  E. Roll cage MUST be welded to the frame.
  F. Roll cage MUST be above the driver's helmet.
  G. No "fin-shaped" or "foil-shaped" add-ons permitted on any part of the roll cage. The entire roll cage MUST be constructed of round tubing ONLY.

  A. Interior may be dropped to the middle of the car a MAXIMUM of three inches (3") below the top of the doors and a MINIMUM of twelve inches (12") below the roll cage.
  B. Interior MUST gradually taper up to the quarter panel height and be level for thirty-two inches (32") from rear of the quarter panel.
  C. Interior MUST be fastened flush at the top of the door and quarter panels and MAY taper gradually towards the center of the car NOT creating a "lip effect". MINIMUM of eight-inch (8") taper, MAXIMUM three inch (3") drop extending from firewall to rear of door pieces in a continuous line.
  D. Interior MUST run in a straight line from behind the drivers seat to the rear spoiler.
  E. If interior is flat through the car, it MUST maintain a twelve-inch (12") clearance from roll cage for easy exiting from either side of the car.
  F. NO rearview mirrors of any kind permitted.
  G. NO batteries may be located in the driver’s compartment.
  H. Racing seats are REQUIRED and MUST securely fasten to the car frame.
  I. Belts - A five-point safety harness belt are required and must be fastened to cage or frame. All belts must be dated no more than 4 years old and in good condition. Driver will be given one warning to get belts replaced before the next race. The second warning, the belts must be replaced before the car will be allowed to participate in any further competition activities. The only recognized date will be the manufactured date on the seat belt manufacturer’s tag.
  J. Eighteen (18)-gauge steel or one-eighth inch (1/8") aluminum "cockpitpit tub" to protect front, sides, and rear of driver is REQUIRED. (This does NOT replace the intrusion protection plate.)
  K. Nylon mesh window screens are recommended but not required.
  L. ALL cars MUST have an approved fire extinguisher securely mounted within reach of the driver.
NOTE: a five-pound (5#) Halon System is recommended.

   A. Rear spoiler MUST be manufactured of transparent material of adequate strength such as Lexan.
   B. Rear Spoiler material MAXIMUM eight-inch (8") height measured from deck to tip of material. MAXIMUM seventy-two inch (72") width.
   C. Rear spoiler cannot be suspended above the deck to create a "wing effect".
   D. Rear spoiler MUST begin where quarter panels end. NO extended decks permitted.

   A. Engines MUST be based on a factory design and MUST be naturally aspirated.

* All Steel - Car must weigh a minimum 2200 lbs with driver after the race, 0 tolerance.

Aluminum Heads meeting the valve specifications may be used. Note the weight penalty.

* Car must weigh a minimum 2250 lbs with driver after the race, 0 tolerance.

Aluminum Blocks may be used. Note the weight penalty.

* Car must weigh a minimum 2300 lbs with driver after the race, 0 tolerance.

   B. NO fuel injection devices, electric fuel pumps, turbo chargers, or blowers permitted.
   C. Magnetos are permitted. However, the engine MUST have an operating self-starter.
   D. The engine may be set back a MAXIMUM of six inches (6") from center of ball joint to front of spark plug hole.
   E. Carburetor is limited to one (1) four barrel.
   F. ALL engines are limited to one (1) spark plug and two (2) valves per cylinder.

   A. An approved fuel cell, thirty-two (32) gallon MAXIMUM, MUST be securely mounted in the trunk area of the car inside a twenty (20) gauge metal box supported by two (2) one-eighth inch (1/8") by two inch (2") steel straps. A commercially manufactured FIA SPEC-FT3 approved fuel cell is highly recommended.
    B. A firewall MUST be installed between the fuel tank and driver's compartment.
    C. ALL fuel cells MUST be completely visible from rear of car. Fuel cell may not be mounted lower than bottom of quick-change rear-end.
    D. NO pressurized fuel systems permitted.
    E. Gasoline or Alcohol ONLY is permitted. Nitrous gases or other nitrate additives are NOT permitted.

   A. Drive train MUST have transmission mounted on the rear of the engine and lead to one (1) drive shaft. NO direct drive or in-out boxes permitted.
   B. Any transmission with working forward and reverse gears is permitted.
   C. Manual transmission MUST be equipped with an operational clutch.
   D. Automatic transmissions are permitted.
   E. NO "live-axle" rear-ends are permitted.
   F. NO independent rear suspensions are permitted.
   G. Floater "wide-five" hub assembly ONLY is permitted.
   H. All rear-ends using a cable to lock-in the rear-end MUST have the cable mounted outside of the cockpit area and not in reach of the driver.

15) TIRES:
   A. Any brand - Any Compound

   A. Steel or Aluminum are permitted.
   B. Wheels MUST be mounted with lug nuts. NO "knock-off" mounting devices permitted.
   C. Any width wheel may be used.
   D. MAXIMUM width outside of front tires permitted is eighty-eight inches (88").
   E. MAXIMUM width outside of rear tires permitted is eighty-six inches (86").

MUST be equipped with operational four-wheel braking system.

    A. NO "in-cockpit driver controlled" suspension devices permitted. NO weight jacks of any kind permitted. This includes fifth [5th] coils, etc.. ANY driver using "in-cockpit driver controlled" suspension devices or weight jacks WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM COMPETITION!

   A. Mufflers MANDATORY. MAXIMUM decibel level permitted is 100 db at ninety feet (90').
   B. Exhaust may not be directed towards ground. Exhaust MUST be parallel to the ground.

   A. All Traction Control Devices are strictly prohibited.
   B. At NO time during the 2011 season and beyond will there be any type of timing control devices, dial a chip controls, timing controls or any modifications to the ignition control boxes, distributors, or any other part of the Ignition System. This includes any add on component or components inside or outside the cockpit of any competitors racecar. There shall be NO driver controlled wheel spin, timing or fuel delivery control devices in the cockpit area of any racecar.
   C. Any remote controlled components inside or outside the cockpit of any competitors race car are NOT permitted.
   D. A competitor found with any of the above mentioned will lose the complete device permanently, forfeit all points for the year and winnings for that nights events.

   A. A driveline "sling" is REQUIRED.
   B. An approved racing helmet is REQUIRED. Snell SA-95 or better.
   C. Fire resistant driving uniforms are REQUIRED.
   D. Head and Neck restraints are REQUIRED. (HANS device, Hutchens device, or Horse Collar type are approved)
   D. Fire resistant gloves, boots are REQUIRED. Underwear and socks are recommended.
   E. Drive shaft and weight ballast MUST be painted white or yellow and have number of car painted on them.
   F. Added weight or ballast MUST be securely fastened.

   A. A MINIMUM weight limit is in effect at ALL events.
   B. ALL Lakeville Speedway Late Model Series legally built cars MUST weigh a MINIMUM of twenty-two hundred pounds (2200 lbs.) with driver in the car after the race.

* With aluminum heads - 2250 lbs.
* With aluminum block - 2300 lbs.

   C.  The speedway's scales will be the "official weighing device". Competitors, owners, pit crew and team members MUST abide by the Technical Director's decision(s).
   D.  Lakeville Speedway officials have the right to weigh ANY car at their discretion.

   A.  You may be given a simple warning.
   B. You may be asked to correct the infraction prior to competing.
   C. You may be assessed a weight penalty.
   D. You may be disqualified when found and/or noticed with an infraction.
   E. You may choose to leave.

   A. ALL cars MUST be in good operational condition and be presentable in appearance, subject to the judgment of the inspection officials.
   B. NO "wings" or "tunnels" any kind permitted under the car.
   C. NO "in-cockpit driver controlled" electronic devices of any kind permitted.
   D. NO computer controlled devices of any kind permitted.
   E. "Tow hooks" are MANDATORY.
   F. "Wheel drapes" and "rear-end drapes" ARE NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME.
   G. Two way radio's are NOT permitted.
   H. If a rule does not say you can, DON'T!
   I. Lakeville speedway officials reserve the right to change and/or alter rules and procedures at any time. ALL OFFICIAL DECISIONS ARE FINAL!


Lakeville Speedway reserves the right to change and/or alter rules and procedures at any time. Any variation from these rules will be done in the interest of safety and fair competition.

The rules and/or regulations set forth herein do not express or imply warranty of safety, from publication of, or, compliance with these rules and/or regulations. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the Lakeville Speedway events and are in no way a guarantee against injury to participants.

These rules and/or regulations will apply to all Lakeville Speedway racing events.

Designated officials of Lakeville Speedway have full authority over racing events.

Decisions of Lakeville Speedway officials and promoters pertaining to the interpretation of rules that affect race procedures, and scoring of positions shall be final.

Questions may be directed to Randy Young 419-512-2203.

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·  Pepsi Modified Rules

TSMA Rules in effect however TSMA membership is optional. TSMA members will NOT earn TSMA points.

1. Lakeville Speedway officials will have full authority over all race cars at all racing events. At the discretion of Lakeville Speedway official/s in charge, any competitor may be disqualified for violation of rules, unsafe equipment, or harmful actions.

2. All race cars are subject to inspection by a Lakeville Speedway official at any time.

3. Any type of un-sportsmanlike conduct by a driver, car owner, pit crew member, agent, etc., shall be ground for disqualification and/or disciplinary action; including, but not limited to any and/or all of a combination thereof: probation, suspension, fines, loss of any and/or all points, loss of any and/or all purse/prize money. Failure to provide Social Security number or a false Social Security is provided, will result in a $500.00 fine to participate in any Lakeville Speedway events, and possible legal action by the I.R.S.

4. Drivers or pit crew member/s are absolutely not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages prior to, or during a sanctioned event. The use, distribution, or sale of illegal drugs at any time can be cause for instant, indefinite suspension.

5. Drivers under age 18 years of age must have a signed and notarized parental consent form signed by a parent or legal guardian. Lakeville Speedway office shall have document in possession before participation of individual will be allowed to participate. Track insurance regulations hold precedence in regards to minimum competition age.


A. Grooving or siping of tires are allowed.

B. Any 8 inch tire- open compound

C. Tire softeners and/or chemicals designed to alter the chemical characteristics of the tire and/or the tire surface will not be permitted. If caught there will be a $500 fine.

D. Any 8" Goodyear, Hoosier, or American Racer allowed.

E. Suction width can be 9 5/8"


A. Eight (8) inch steel wheels only.

B. Mud plugs are allowed on all four wheels.

C. Bead locks can be run on both sides.

Safety Equipment:

A. Helmets are required and must meet a minimum standard rating of Snell SA2005 or SA2000. If sticker is not present ttrack officials will assume the helmet does not meet the required standards and will not be permitted. Helmet must accompany vehicle during time of inspection.

B. Fire extinguishers are required.

C. Competitors at all times must wear an SFI approved full fire suits of a flame retardant nature. Fire suit must be in good operable condition. Two piece fire suits are permitted. Fire retardant gloves, shoes, and neck braces are extremely recommended.

D. Competition type seat belts are mandatory. Belts must be at least 3 inches in width. Lap belts, shoulder belts, and submarine belts are mandatory. No factory type seat belts. All belts must be dated no more three years old. If not dated, TSMA will assume the date has expired and will not be permitted. The ONLY recognized date will be the manufactured date as stamped on the seat belt manufacturers tag. Sales receipt will NOT be accepted. Example: If car inspected April 2009, seat belts can be dated no earlier than April 2008. Driver will be given one warning to replace seat belts before next race. Second warning the belts must be replaced before car will be permitted to race in any further competition activities.

E. Window nets are particularly suggested.

Roll Cages:

A. Must consist of a continuous hoop not less than 1.5 inches outside diameter, and must have a wall thickness of a t least .095 inches.

B. Frame must be mounted in at least six (6) places.

C. Must consist of a configuration of front and rear hoops connected by tubing on the sides, or side hoops. Drivers head must not protrude above cage with helmet on and driver strapped into seat. Roll cage must be securely supported and braced.

D. Low carbon, mild steel D.O.M. tubing is recommended. Bracing or soldering is not allowed.

E. Protection of feet is mandatory. Bar across back of engine with vertical bars and rub rails, or similar protection.

F. No brace bars forward of cage may be higher than shock hood height.

G. Chassis must have drive shaft hoop.

H. Driver doors must be as parallel with the ground as possible and located perpendicular to the driver so as to provide maximum protection for driver, but without causing undue difficulty in getting into or out of vehicle. Door bars must be .095 inch thick: must have a minimum of three (3) bars at least 1 ½ inch in diameter. Driver door bars must be plated on the outside, with a minimum 1/8 inch steel or aluminum. Plate must cover the area from the top door bar to the bottom door bar and from the rear down post to the front down post. Steel is to be welded; aluminum is to be bolted with a minimum of 3/8 inch diameter bolts. Plate must be visible for inspection.

I. The door bars must be welded to the front and rear of the roll cage.

J. No bracing or soldering allowed on any of the chassis/frame components. K. Floor pans with a minimum of 20 gauge steel: or minimum of 1/8 inch thick aluminum plate may be used.


A. Frames may be cut at a point no further forward than rear of engine block or 1950 or newer American passenger car factory production frames allowed only. Frames may be cut in rear at a point no further forward than the rear of engine block, both sides.

B. Frames may not be widened or narrowed and must be able to support the roll cage on both sides. Frame must be full and complete on both sides. Front cross member may be notched for radiator clearance only. Minimum frame height, and body height, must be four (4) inches from ground.

C. No Bronco, Jeep, etc. or 4-wheel drive frames permitted. No sports car frames, or no front wheel drive frames permitted.

D. Maximum overall tread width, front or rear, shall not exceed 78": measured from outside of tread to outside of tread.

E. Minimum wheelbase is 108", both sides. NO TOLERANCE.


A. Front suspension and steering must be O.E.M. and be in shock location, and must be replaceable by stock part from same type suspension. Stock passenger car spindles only. No fabricated spindles. Aftermarket tube type lower control arms may be used. Lower control arms cannot be altered or moved, (exception: may weld shock mount on lower control arm). May use steel bushings in lower control arms.

B. No center steering. In cockpit steering may be modified to drivers taste, but must remain on the left side of car.

C. Tube type upper control arms are allowed and can be moved. Cross bar for upper control arm may be aluminum.

D. No rack and pinion steering. Steering box must be O.E.M. Steering box must remain on the left side of car.

E. O.E.M. Tie rod ends and adjustment sleeves may be replaced by a minimum .625 inch (5/8") rod end (helm joint) and steel or aluminum tube.

F. No hydraulic, ratchet, or electric weight jacking devises allowed anywhere in or on the car.

G. Rear of frame may be altered to accept leaf or coil springs. Any coil spring on car must be at least 4 ½ inches outside diameter. Coil springs must be steel. Leaf springs may by steel or composite type. Lowering blocks, rear spring shackles, and rear end drive bars may be steel or aluminum only. No torsion bars permitted in rear.

H. One shock per wheel only. Additional shocks in other locations permissible. Aluminum shocks are permitted. No remote reservoir shocks permitted. No double adjustable shocks allowed.

I. Coil over springs/shock units (or combination thereof) allowed on rear suspension only (this includes "lift bar"). No coil over spring/ shock units allowed on front suspension.

J. Dummy shock allowed. No aluminum, fiberglass, or composite suspension, steering or rear end parts permitted, except where noted in these rules. No aluminum hubs allowed. Front hub & rotor assembly must be one piece steel O.E.M

K. No covers on springs, shocks, etc. permitted. With the exception, of a small bellows type shaft cover for a coil over eliminator and /or pull/ push bar assembly, for maintenance purposes only shaft covers subject to Lakeville Speedway officials approval, and are subject to removal.

L. No Late model springs allowed. M. All suspension spring must be more than 5" in diameter.

Rear Ends:

A. Any passenger car type, or truck type rear end may be used.

B. Steel-tube quick change rear ends are allowed. Steel axle tubes ONLY. No wide five hubs. Quick changes are optional, not mandatory.


A. Must have a working caliper and rotor on each wheel and must lock up all four wheels.

B. Steel O.E.M. brake calipers only. Steel vented brake rotors only; may not be modified; ex. drilled full of holes, machined down, etc. Rotors may be re-drilled for different bolt patterns and/or larger studs.

Drive Shaft:

A. Drive shaft must be steel and must be painted white.

B. Drive shaft loop is required. It must be constructed of 1/4" x 2" steel. Tubular loop may be used, must be made of a minimum 1" diameter tubing. Loops must be mounted no less than two inches and no more than six inches from the rear of the front universal joint of the drive shaft.

C. Carbon Fiber drive shaft’s allowed

Kill Switch/ Battery:

A. A kill switch is required. Switch must be clearly marked and located within easy reach of the driver, and safety crews must be able to reach switch from standing outside the car.

B. All cars must have a battery. Battery must be securely mounted. Battery cannot be mounted inside driver’s compartment.

Transmission/Bell Housing/Clutch

A. 3 speed, 4 speed manual, and automatic types are permitted. No "IN or OUT" boxes. With motor running and car in a still position, driver must be able to engage car and move forward, then stop and engage car and move backwards. No type of quick change transmissions permissions.

B. O.E.M. type transmissions, with stock type single disc in bell housing, must be equipped with an explosion proof steel bell housing. If an explosion proof type bell housing is not accessible for your engine, or if you prefer, you create a shield of a t least ½" x 6" steel covering the clutch area 180 degrees, and be firmly fastened.

C. Transmissions must have at least one forward gear and one reverse gear, plus a neutral position, and must be able to be shifted by the driver. All race cars must join the line-up on demand, unaided or go to the rear of that race.


A. Any American make may be used.

B. Engine offset must be kept within two inches of the center line of the front cross members.

C. Rear of engines, bell housing mounting flange surface, must be mounted at least 72 inches forward from the center line of the rear axle.

D. Minimum engine height is eleven inches from the ground to the front of center of the crankshaft.

E. All engines used in competition must be able to be used in a conventional passenger car without alterations.

F. Engine "cast-in" motor mount locations can not be removed or altered. Castings and fittings must not be altered.

G. No "dry sump" systems are allowed. "Wet" system in engine must be operative.

H. Engine cooling system may be modified.

I. Exhaust system must be mounted in such a way as to direct spent gases away form the cockpit of vehicle, and away from areas of possible fuel spillage.

J. Engine block must be steel.

K. Mufflers are recommended, and may be required at some tracks.

L. All vehicles must have the capability of starting without being pushed or pulled.

M. Battery type ignitions only. No magnetos allowed. Maximum on one ignition system and/or multiple spark discharge box allowed. An ignition system includes, but is not limited to: multiple spark discharge box, coil, battery, etc.

N. NO Aluminum motors

Aspiration/Fuel System:

A. One two barrel or one four barrel carburetor only.

B. Two carburetor throttle return springs required.

C. No electric fuel pumps or fuel systems of any type.

D. Engine must be normally aspirated; no type of fuel injection allowed.

E. Fuel may gasoline or alcohol. No nitrous oxide. NO additives of any kind.

F. Racing fuel cells are required and must be mounted by at least two steel straps, no less than two inches wide x 1/8" thick, all the way around the cell. The use of 1"x 1" x.065 wall sq. tubing is recommended to be used, and may be required in the future. Using a minimum of two bars around the top, bottom, and sides of the fuel cell. All fuel cells must be mounted securely to the frame. Fuel cells must be enclosed completely in a steel container, mounted behind rear axle only, and must also be protected in rear by roll cage tubing mounted securely to the frame. *No part of fuel cell should be lower than the protective tubing. Protective tubing should be no wider than six inches on both sides of fuel cell. Fuel cells must have check valves, and bladders are highly recommended. Fuel cells are limited to 32 gallon maximum capacity.

Traction Control:

A. Use of any type of "traction control" will not be allowed.

B. All electronic and/or computerized wheel spin and/or acceleration retardation traction control devices will not be permitted. Controlled timing devices attached to or controlling accelerator or rotation of wheel will not be permitted.

C. All traction control devices utilizing wheel sensors and/or any means of measuring ground speed to control wheel spin will not be permitted.

D. Adjustable ping control devices, dial a chip controls, timing controls or automated throttle controls will not be permitted in cockpit or driver accessible areas.

E. Adjustable restrictor plates will not be permitted.

F. Any remotely controlled components inside or outside the cockpit of any competitor’s racecar will not be permitted.

G. Radios or devices for transmitting voice or data will not be permitted, either in the racecar or on anyone connected with the car.

H. The uses of pit boards or colored flashlights are prohibited

Bumper/Nerf Bars:

A. Bumpers must be used on both front and rear of car. Bumpers and nerf bars must be steel.

B. Front bumpers must be mounted to both frames horns. Front bumper must be made of a minimum 1 ¼" ; maximum 1 ½" round or square tubing. Front bumper is required to have two loops, one upper and one lower.

C. Front bumper may be no wider than the frame horns, with two inch tolerance only, to accommodate bumper mounting bracket per side

D. Front bumpers must be outside of body and not covered in any way.

E. Rear bumpers, side nerf bars and bodies may not extend beyond the width of the rear tires, and must not contain any sharp edges. There shall be no rough edges on any bar or bumper on the car.

F. No straight rear bumpers allowed. The ends of the rear bumpers must be bent to form a 180 degree bend, or be bent forward in a 90 degree bend.

G. Rear bumpers must mount to rear on chassis. Rear bumpers may be constructed of round or square tubing, and must protect fuel cell. (Note that the bars which are known as "fuel cell" protectors are not considered part of the rear bumper. They are however, required as fuel cell protectors.)

H. Both front and rear bumpers shall be eighteen inches plus or minus two inches from the ground. This measurement is to the "center" of the bumper. This means if your bumper is constructed with its two bars, upper and lower, twelve inches apart, then the center or your bumper is six inches from either the top or bottom. This is where the measurement is taken, at the "center" not the top or the bottom.

I. Bumpers must be flat across. Bumpers may not be made in any type of pointed configuration. A bumper which is badly damaged may be required to be repaired or replaced before car is allowed to compete.


A. Hoods are required to have four hood pins.

B. Any type of sheet metal, or other material, which could be constructed by officials to be affecting the flow of air in through, or around the car, other than noted elsewhere in these rules, will not be allowed.

C. No type of radio communications allowed.

D. No mirrors allowed

E. All cars must have a top.

F. Gremlin type tops may be used, but not in conjunction with a rear spoiler. Spoilers may only be used with conventional style tops. The determination of whether a car has a rear flip will be the decision of the Lakeville Speedway official.

G. Rear spoilers are recommended to be made of transparent material.

H. Rear roof height cannot exceed front roof height by more than two inches (no tolerance). No odd shaped roofs allowed.

I. The car interior must be level with the top of the doors from side to side.

J. The rear body panel is optional. If it is used it must meet all other specifications, including size and installations.

K. Debris deflector in front of driver is allowed, but may no extend any farther back than the steering wheel.

L. The use of drapes and/or covers, at any time, are not allowed.

M. Five inch spoilers are required where sail panels that are also spoiler supports are used.

N. Deck height is to be 37 inches with a 1 inch tolerance.

O. The sides of the engine compartment will remain open. Any side panels in the engine compartment will not be permitted.

P. The roof may not be mounted more than 12" past the rear axle.

Q. Wings, roof, spoilers or ground effects of any kind will not be permitted.

R. Sail panels must be riveted to the roof.

S. 1" of concave in front nose support. No tolerance

T. Maximum spoiler height is 8"

Roof & Roof Support: (See drawing diagram for reference)

A. All roofs must be full size. Half-moon roofs will not be permitted. The roof may not be mounted more than 12" (twelve inches) past the rear axle.

B. Wings, roof spoilers or ground effects of any kind will not be permitted.

C. All curved type roofs will be allowed a maximum of 5"-inches in the front and 2"-inches in the rear. The break in the roof must be within 6"-inches from the center of the roof. E.) Wedge roofs will not be permitted.

D. Dished roofs will not be permitted. Roofs must be rounded side-to-side. Bead rolls will be permitted.

E. The rear roof supports may not extend past the front side of rear upright of the roll cage.

F. The side vents on the front roof posts may extend rear ward from the lowest point, a maximum of 16"-inches, then at a 90 degree angle to roof for one (1) configuration, side vents must meet the outside of the car.

G. The roof side panel window size must be a minimum of 10"-inches x 15"-inches and must match drawing number -2- side view. A maximum crown of two (2) inches will be permitted, measured from the center of a common tangent point on either side of the crown.

H. Any sun shield must be on hinge for easy exiting, taping will not be permitted. The window opening must remain at a minimum of 12"-inches.

I. All race cars must meet the measurements illustrated in the TSMA drawing.

J. There are only 5 (five) approved roof supports to choose from.

K. The roof should be single thickness of material. The roll bar hoops must be exposed for inspection.

L. Flat type roofs will be measured from the front edge of the roof down to the interior and measured from the rear edge down to the interior, assuming a flat interior. A 1"-inch difference between the two measurements will be permitted. If the interior has been changed, the measurement will be from the front edge of the roof to the ground, and the rear edge of the roof to the ground. A one inch difference between the two measurements will be permitted.

M. If the roof is curved then a level will be placed on the top of the car and if the roof is 5"- inches or less in the front and 2"-inches or less in the rear and the break is in the middle then the roof will be permitted.

N. The roofs on these cars will be stock appearing. If track official determines the roof does not meet the requirements as stated above then a penalty as determined by the official may be determined prior to competition, additional weight

Car Numbers:

A. Car numbers must appear on both sides of car, on door, or quarter panel. Each number must be a minimum of 18 inches tall and nine inches wide. Each number must be on top of car a minimum of 24 inches tall by nine inches wide.

B. Number must also be on the nose and fuel cell of car and be a minimum of 6 inches tall. Numbers must be a contrasting color to the car.

Weights/Car Weight:

A. Loose weights must not be used in driver’s compartment, or outside the body or hood areas.

B. Any added weights must be securely mounted to the frame or roll cage with at least 2 ½ "bolts, nuts, and washers. Weights must be painted white and have the car number on it.

C. Car must weigh 2,400 pounds with driver after every race. Car must make weight at inspection to receive inspection points. Scales being used will be the FINAL determination of weight for car and driver.

Weigh-In Procedures:

A. The scales that are used at any event will be considered the events official scales. The reading of these scales will be used as the official weight of the car for the event. (It is recommended that all participants check the weight of their car to assure that the car weighs 2,400 pounds according to the scales being used. Remember, the reading of the scales being used is the official weight of the car.

B. Minimum weight of 2,400 pounds must be maintained. Weight includes driver after the race.

C. Driver of car must be the one who weighs the car. Official will verify drives identity. Should driver that drove car in race not bring the car to the scales, then that car will be disqualified from that race.

D. Top four cars, minimum, in each and every race must cross the scales and be weighed in after each race.


F. Cars which are disqualified from the feature for weight violations of any kind will forfeit their points for that race, and prize money for that race. Should car not make required weight then that car will be disqualified from that race and all cars finishing behind that car will be moved up one position.

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·  Holmes Pest Control Pure Stock Rules

    A) Any American made steel body car 1955 to present.
    B) Sports cars, convertibles or 2 seat coupes are not permitted.
    C)  Must have a minimum wheel-base of 108 inches.  0 Tolerance
    A) Must run stock appearing body, steel or aluminum stock appearing after market bodies are permitted.
    B) All exterior trim and moldings must be removed.
    C) Rub rails no bigger than 1 x 2 may be attached to body from fender well to fender well.
    D) Must have 3 bars minimum in front window area in front of driver’s head, screen optional but driver’s side window net is mandatory. All glass must be removed. NO WINDSHIELDS!!
    E) The area between the trunk lid and rear bumper must be closed off with solid metal or aluminum.
    F) Wheel drapes and rear-end drapes are not permitted.
     G)  Rear Deck 38” Maximum Height
    H) Tail of Car 68” Maximum Width
    I)  Body must match engine manufacturer: Ford-to-Ford, GM-to-GM, Mopar-to-Mopar, etc…
    A) Aftermarket nose is allowed, must match body.
    A) Roof and roof supports may be stock steel, aluminum, fiberglass or a combination.
    A) Front fender may be stock steel, or aluminum. Cutting on body for tire clearance will be allowed and may remove inner fenders.
    B) Hood may be stock steel, aluminum, fiberglass or a combination.
    A) All doors must be welded shut, stock steel, or aluminum.
    A) Quarter panels may be stock steel or aluminum. Cutting on body for tire clearance will be allowed and may remove inner fenders.
    B) Trunk may be stock steel, aluminum, fiberglass or a combination.
    A) Uni-body may be used but frame must be tied together with 2" x 2" minimum box tubing.
    B) Tubing is allowed around motor for safety and body mounting purposes.
    C) Tubing is allowed from the center of the rear axle to the back of the car.
    D) May use tubing for reinforcement and repair of original frame.
    E)  If a section of the stock frame is cut out it must be replaced with a stock piece of frame.
    A) Must have six point (minimum), eight point (maximum) design roll cage using 1-1/2 by .095 wall minimum tubing.
    B) The cage must be welded to the frame.
    C) Side roll bars are MANDATORY and MUST extend into the door panels.
    D) A MINIMUM of three (3) bars MUST be used on the left side of the car. Minimum of two (2) bars on the right side of the car.  Each bar MUST be a MINIMUM of one and one-half inch (1 1/2") in diameter with a MINIMUM thickness of ninety-five thousands inch (.095").
    E) An intrusion protection plate MUST be on the outside of the bars (inside the body skin) using MINIMUM 1/8" steel or MINIMUM 1/4" aluminum.  Plating to cover the ENTIRE door area from the frame rail to the top bar, front post to rear post.
    F) All bars near the driver must be covered with padding.
    G) Roll cage MUST be above the driver's helmet.
    H) The entire roll cage MUST be constructed of round tubing ONLY and remain within the confines or the body.
    A) Interior must be completely gutted.
    B) Full front firewall, side to side with holes covered.
    C) All window openings must remain open.
    D) All flammable material must be removed.
    E) The dash may be removed.
    F) NO rearview mirrors of any kind permitted.
    G) If the battery is mounted in the driver’s compartment it must be securely mounted and covered in a manner that will not allow it to leak or dislodge in an accident.
    H) A properly mounted aluminum racing style seat must be used with a right side head rest.  Seat must be on left side of car, no center steering.
    I) Belts - A five-point safety harness belt are required and must be fastened to cage or frame. All belts must be dated no more than 4 years old and in good condition. Driver will be given one warning to get belts replaced before the next race. The second warning, the belts must be replaced before the car will be allowed to participate in any further competition activities. The only recognized date will be the manufactured date on the seat belt manufacturer’s tag.
    J) Must have steel floor pan from firewall to the rear of the driver’s seat.
    K) May have aluminum from the back of the drivers seat to/and including the back full firewall as long as the aluminum is the same thickness as the steel in the front floor pan.
    L) The only sheet metal allowed in the drivers area is straight up at an angle from the bottom of the drivers seat to the bottom of the passenger window and from the back of the seat to the rear window area.  No tubbing.
    M) Nylon mesh window screens are required.
    N) ALL cars MUST have an approved fire extinguisher securely mounted within reach of the driver.
    A) 7" maximum height, 12" forward maximum
    A) The engine must have a working starter and a stock type ignition.
    B) Radiator hoop is permitted, but the radiator must be in the stock location.
    C) No. 1 spark plug must be no further back then the centerline of top ball joint.
    D) Block and heads must be cast iron.  Must have one (1) inch area with no paint for magnetic check.
    E) Can have an aluminum intake.
    F) No fluid dampers.
    G) 4 BBL. Carb or Holley 4412 2-barrel carburetor.
        *One (1) inch spacer plate maximum.

    H) Multiple carburetion, Injection, or Nitrous Oxide Systems are not permitted.
     A) Approved fuel cell NO LARGER THAN 22 GAL. WITH FOAM required.
     B) A firewall MUST be installed between the fuel tank and driver's compartment.
     C) Gasoline fuels only, no alcohol or other fuels allowed.
     D) Cell must be fastened in the trunk of car to the frame or cage.
     E) If fuel lines are run through inside of car, they must be inside of metal conduit.
     F) No electric fuel pumps allowed.
     A) Drive train MUST have transmission mounted on the rear of the engine and lead to one (1) drive shaft. NO direct drive or in-out boxes permitted.
     B) Automatic with stock torque converter permitted.
     C) Manual transmission MUST be equipped with an operational clutch of any type.
     D) Brin, Bert, T.C.I. Automatic transmissions are optional
     E) Any OEM car or truck rear end.  Floaters are optional, but are strongly recommended.
     F) No quick-change devices.
     G) No aluminum after market rear-ends allowed.
     H) Spools or locking devices are allowed.
     I) 9" Ford rear end allowed in any type car.
     A) Steering must be factory OEM. Racing "quick steer" is permitted.
No rack and pinion steering.
     B) Quick release steering wheel is permitted.
     C) Tubular upper A frames are allowed.  Stock locations only.
     D) Stock spindles only, no fabricated spindles.
     E) Bottom A-frames cannot be changed or moved.
     F) No air or coil over shocks allowed. Stock OEM replacement type only.
     G) Shocks do not have to be in stock locations, only 1 shock per wheel..  NO adjustable racing shocks allowed.
     H) Stabilizer bars are permitted.
     I) Weight jacks are optional.
     J) Non adjustable racing shocks and racing springs are permitted.
    A) Rear suspension will be of OEM design, But does not have to match type of car used.
    B) Coil spring cars can run tubular, non adjustable arms.
    C) Bushings Only, stock length.
    D) No Stub Cars
    E) No Chassis Cars
    F) From center of rear end forward will be Stock Frame or Unibody ONLY.
    G) Weight jacks are optional.
    H) Non adjustable racing shocks and racing springs are permitted.
17) TIRES:
     A) Tires : Any 8" Racing Tire, Any Brand, Any Compound, No D.O.T.'s !
    A) Steel wheels only.
    B) Wheels MUST be mounted with lug nuts. NO "knock-off" mounting devices permitted.
     C) 8" Wheels
    D) All wheels must have 9/16" or better wheel studs with oversized lug nuts.
    E) Bead locks are permitted.
    A) MUST be equipped with operational four-wheel braking system.
    B) Stock type disc brakes may be used but no aluminum or racing style cars or rotors may be used.
    C) Proportioning valves will be permitted, But ALL Four Wheels MUST STOP!
    D) No Shutoff Valves.
    A) NO "in-cockpit driver controlled" suspension devices permitted. NO "in-cockpit driver controlled" weight jacks of any kind permitted. This includes fifth [5th] coils, etc.. ANY driver using "in-cockpit driver controlled" suspension devices or weight jacks WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM COMPETITION!
     A) Headers are permitted.
     B) Mufflers MANDATORY. MAXIMUM decibel level permitted is 100 db at ninety feet (90').
     C) Exhaust must exit outside the body parallel to the track.
    A) All Traction Control Devices are strictly prohibited.
    B) At NO time during the 2011 season and beyond will there be any type of ping control devices, dial a chip controls, timing controls or any modifications to the ignition control boxes, distributors, or any other part of the Ignition System. This includes any add on component or components inside or outside the cockpit of any competitors racecar. There shall be NO driver controlled wheel spin, timing or fuel delivery control devices in the cockpit area of any racecar.
    C) Any remote controlled components inside or outside the *****pit of any competitors race car are NOT permitted.
    D) A competitor found with any of the above mentioned will lose the complete device permanently, forfeit all points for the year and winnings for that nights events.
    A) A driveline "sling" is REQUIRED.
    B) An approved racing helmet is REQUIRED.  Snell SA-95 or better.
    C) Fire resistant driving uniforms are REQUIRED.
    D) Head and Neck restraints are REQUIRED.  (HANS device, Hutchens device, or Horse Collar type are approved)
    E) Fire resistant gloves, boots are REQUIRED.  Underwear and socks are recommended.
    F) Drive shaft and weight ballast MUST be painted white or yellow and have number of car painted on them.
    G) Added weight or ballast MUST be securely fastened.
    H) Kill switch must be mounted in the dash area LEFT of the steering column, clearly labeled and accessible from outside the vehicle.
    A) Car must weigh a minimum 3,200 pounds including the driver after feature.  0 Tolerance.
    A) You may be given a simple warning.
    B) You may be asked to correct the infraction prior to competing.
    C) You may be disqualified when found and/or noticed with an infraction.
    D) You may choose to leave.
     A) ALL cars MUST be in good operational condition and be presentable in appearance, subject to the judgment of the inspection officials.
     B) Bumpers must be stock and can be reinforced.  Bumpers must be fastened to fenders or quarter panels (tied in).
     C) Car numbers shall be 2 or 3 digits, and must be a minimum of 18” high on the doors and roof or rear deck. Do not use reflective colors. Do not spray paint numbers on. Duplicate numbers are not permitted. Drivers are responsible for making sure that the numbers are legible for score keeping.
     D) No wings or tunnels of any type permitted under the car.
     E) NO "in-cockpit driver controlled" electronic devices of any kind permitted.
     F) No one shall be allowed to ride on or in the car as a passenger on the track at any time.
     G) "Tow hooks" are MANDATORY.
     H) "Wheel drapes" and "rear-end drapes" ARE NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME.
     I) Two way radio's are NOT permitted.
     J) If a rule does not say you can, DON'T!
     K) Lakeville speedway officials reserve the right to change and/or alter rules and procedures at any time. ALL OFFICIAL DECISIONS ARE FINAL!


Lakeville Speedway reserves the right to change and/or alter rules and procedures at any time. Any variation from these rules will be done in the interest of safety and fair competition.

The rules and/or regulations set forth herein do not express or imply warranty of safety, from publication of, or, compliance with these rules and/or regulations. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the Lakeville Speedway events and are in no way a guarantee against injury to participants.

These rules and/or regulations will apply to all Lakeville Speedway racing events.

Designated officials of Lakeville Speedway have full authority over racing events.

Decisions of Lakeville Speedway officials and promoters pertaining to the interpretation of rules that affect race procedures, and scoring of positions shall be final.

Questions may be directed to Randy Young 419-512-2203.

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·  Lakeville 4 Cylinder Bomber Rules

    A) Any domestic or foreign four-cylinder front or rear wheel drive sedan or coupe with a stock wheelbase between 87" - 103".
    B)  No four wheel drives, pickups, mini vans, two-seat sport cars or mid engine cars.
    C) No Turbo, superchargers, or rotary powered cars.
    D) Wheelbase must match car model.
    A) Bodies - must be straight, sound, and OEM stock steel only and remain in the original location on the frame. Rubber body mounts must be used, no cutting, chopping, shortening or lowering.
    B) All exterior trim and moldings must be removed.
    C) Rub rails no bigger than 1 x 2 may be attached to body from fender well to fender well.
    D) Must have 3 bars minimum in front window area in front of driver’s head, screen optional but driver’s side window net is mandatory. All glass must be removed. NO WINDSHIELDS!!
    E) Light openings - must be covered, aluminum may be used.
    F) Sheet Metal - all interior sheet metal used for patching, covering or cosmetic purposes will be minimum 20-gauge steel. The only cosmetic sheet metal allowed in the driver’s compartment will be the dash area and rear firewall. All others must be pre-approved.
    G) Body must match engine manufacturer: Ford-to-Ford, GM-to-GM, Mopar-to-Mopar, etc…
    A) Grilles- plastic or metal must be removed and replaced with screen.
    B) No AFTER Market nose pieces
    C) Grill MUST retain original configuration.
    A) Roof - All metal bracing in the roof and roof post may be removed down as far as the bottom of the windshield and side windows. No lowering of roof allowed
    A) Fenders - may be cut a maximum of 3” above the tire and conform to original configuration.
    B) Fender wells - Inner wells may be removed on all cars without strut type front suspension. If fender wells are removed, they must be replaced with a minimum of 1½” O.D. x .090 steel tubing. Must meet tech approval. If any metal removal is done on strut type cars, top of struts must have a minimum of 1½" O.D. steel tubing attaching the two towers together, not tied to cage.
    C) Hood - latches must be removed and replaced with quick release hood pins. Hinges may be removed and must be replaced with quick release hood pins.
    D) No open hood scoops allowed.
    A) Doors - inner structure, hinges and latches may be removed, doors must be welded shut. Doors may be fabricated with 22-gauge steel only and must be approved.
    A) Rear Quarter Panels - rear quarters may be fabricated. All home-made panel measurements must remain stock and in stock location. Track officials must approve home-made panels.
    B) Rear Fender Wells: inner rear fender walls may be removed.  Any openings must be enclosed with minimum 20-gauge steel.
    C) Trunk - latches must be removed and replaced with quick release hood pins. Hinges may be removed and must be replaced with quick release hood pins.
    D) All hatch back cars - hatch must remain and be welded or bolted shut. Inner bracing may be removed.
    A) Uni-body may be used but frame must be tied together with 2" x 2" minimum tubing.
    B) Tubing is allowed around motor for safety and body mounting purposes.
    C) Tubing is allowed from the center of the rear axle to the back of the car.
    D) May use tubing for reinforcement and repair of original frame.
    E) If a section of the stock frame is cut out it must be replaced with a stock piece of frame.
    A) Roll cage-is mandatory and must be constructed with a minimum of 1 1/2” O.D. x .095 thickness steel tubing.  Box tubing may be used to support the role cage.  Full cage only.
    B) The primary hoop must extend from both sides of the frame and meet the roof.
    C) Side roll bars are MANDATORY and MUST extend into the door panels.
    D) A MINIMUM of three (3) bars MUST be used on the left side of the car and minimum of two (2) bars on the right side of the car.  Each bar MUST be a MINIMUM of one and one-half inch (1 1/2") in diameter with a MINIMUM thickness of ninety-five thousands inch (.095").
    E) An intrusion protection plate MUST be on the outside of the bars (inside the body skin) using MINIMUM 1/8" steel or MINIMUM 1/4" aluminum.  Plating to cover the ENTIRE door area from the frame rail to the top bar, front post to rear post.
    F) All bars near the driver must be covered with padding.
    G) Roll cage MUST be above the driver's helmet.
    H) The entire roll cage MUST be constructed of round tubing ONLY and remain within the confines or the body.
    A) Interior must be completely gutted.
    B) Firewalls - must be left in OEM stock location. All cars must fabricate a firewall between driver’s compartment and fuel tank. The only alteration allowed is for installation of roll cage. Must be minimum of 20-gauge steel.
    C) All window openings must remain open.
    D) All flammable material must be removed.
    E) Dash Boards MUST Be REMOVED
    F) Steering wheel - any steel wheel may be used. Outside steering column casing may be removed. Steel shaft may be used. If casing is removed, the shaft must be mounted with a heim joint. No tilt wheels.  Quick release allowed.
    G) Air Bags - Must be removed.
    H) Radios - Radios and Antennas must be removed.
    I) NO rearview mirrors of any kind permitted.
    J) If the battery is mounted in the driver’s compartment it must be securely mounted and covered in a manner that will not allow it to leak or dislodge in an accident.
    K) A properly mounted aluminum racing style seat must be used with a right side head rest.  Seat must be on left side of car, no center steering.
    L) Belts - A five-point safety harness belt are required and must be fastened to cage or frame. All belts must be dated no more than 4 years old and in good condition. Driver will be given one warning to get belts replaced before the next race. The second warning, the belts must be replaced before the car will be allowed to participate in any further competition activities. The only recognized date will be the manufactured date on the seat belt manufacturer’s tag.
    M) Floorpan - Stock steel unaltered floor pan must be used. The only alterations to floor allowed are to repair rust and may be raised 8” from center of drive shaft tunnel to door on passenger side. Minimum 20 gauge steel. No tunnels or air ducts.
    N) Speaker deck - must be left OEM stock.
    O) Nylon mesh window screens are required.
    P) ALL cars MUST have an approved fire extinguisher securely mounted within reach of the driver.
    A) Spoiler - Factory Stock configuration only.
    A) The engine must have a working starter and a stock type ignition.
    B) Engine must be OEM stock for make, model and year.
    C) No porting, polishing, acid dipping, or balancing.
    D) Manufacturer's performance parts are not allowed. All engine parts must be OEM stock or stock replacement passenger car parts only.
    E) Oil pan - must be stock appearing.
    F) Intake manifold - must be OEM stock for make and model.  Aluminum allowed if car came equipped with one.  Absolutely no modifications.
    G) Timing belt/chain - must remain OEM stock.
    H) Pulleys – All pulleys must remain stock OEM.
    I) Smog pumps and Alternator - may be removed.
    J) Water pump - OEM stock or replacement.
    K) Ignition - must be OEM or OEM stock replacement. No after-market electronics
    L) Fuel system - must be OEM stock for make and model and meet exact stock factory specifications. Fuel injected cars may not have a cold start or fifth injector working, must be removed and plugged. No added vacuum lines to the throttle bodies.
    M) Stock OEM carburetor or stock OEM fuel injection for make and model.
    N) Air cleaners - Must be STOCK and are mandatory .  No holes in hood.
    P) The engine must be in stock location.
    Q) All cylinder heads must be conventional stock heads.  Must be stock OEM for make, model and year.
    R) Valve job - must remain and meet stock factory specifications. No exceptions. No after market or swirl polishes allowed. OEM stock valve springs only.
    S) Camshafts - replacement camshafts are allowed but must meet stock OEM specifications.
    T) Rocker arms - must be stock OEM for make and model.
    U) Crankshaft - must be OEM stock for make and model. No lightening, milling or balancing. No modifications.
    V) Pistons and Rods - must remain OEM stock for make and model of car.  No modifications or machining. All parts must maintain stock specifications. No Heron pistons.
    W) Radiator - Any stock OEM or aftermarket radiator, Radiator support brackets may be fabricated. Radiator Must Remain in stock location. May use racing type coolant, antifreeze is not allowed.
    X) Fan/shroud- all cars must be equipped with a fan shroud, may be fabricated.
    Y) NO Honda V-Tec engines Single or Double Cam
    A) Fuel cell is optional, 15 gallon maximum.
    B) A firewall MUST be installed between the fuel tank and driver's compartment.
    C) Gasoline fuels only, no alcohol or other fuels allowed.
    D) Tank or Cell must be securely fastened in the trunk of car to the frame or cage.
    E) If fuel lines are run through inside of car, they must be inside of metal conduit.
    A) Drive train - All components must be in OEM stock location; mounts must be stock or stock replacement.
    B) Transmissions - must be OEM stock for make and model, with all gears in working order.
    C) Shifting levers - Stock only. No modifications.
    D) Flywheels, clutch disc, and pressure plates - shall all remain stock or stock replacement for make and model. All units completely assembled must weigh within 3 lbs. of stock units.  No lightening, turning or drilling allowed.
    E) Drive shaft and axles - Stock OEM for make and model. No aluminum or lightweight shafts or axles allowed.
    F) Front wheel drive - Must remain original stock OEM.  No modifications.
    G) WE ARE GOING to check for Aluminum Flywheels and Racing Clutches.

    * NO Racing Clutches or Flywheels
    * The hole in Bellhousing MUST Be enough to see and put a Magnet on the flywheel

    H) NO Locked Axles

    * When on the roller, you will turn Six revolutions at 4,000 rpm

     A) Strut towers - front may be modified for caster and camber only. No modification to lower the cars.
     B) Shocks / Struts - stock OEM or stock replacement only. No altering to make shock or struts fit. No adjustable shocks or struts. One shock per wheel.
     C) Springs - OEM Stock, must fit in stock mounts and stock locations; no modifications.
     D) A-frames - must be OEM stock for make and model.
     E) Trailing arms - must be OEM stock for make and model
     F) Steering components - must be OEM stock for make and model
     G) Sway bars - must be OEM stock for make and model, and remain in OEM stock location. No modification to mounts or links.
     H) Suspension bushings - must be stock or stock replacement, made of rubber or neoprene. No metal or eccentric bushings allowed.
     I) Rear ends - must be OEM stock for make and model
     J) Parts - may be interchanged according to the Hollanders Interchange Book. If Hollanders says it can be interchanged, you may use it. All other bolt on parts must be in OEM stock location.
     K) Ground clearance - Factory Stock specifications the ground at the very flat bottom side of the rocker panel. No modifications to rocker panels.
     L) Front Frame Horn – may be replaced with minimum of 2”x 3” .120 box steel tubing from the front spring pocket forward to front bumper.
     M) Rear Frame Horn - may be replaced with minimum of 2” x 3” .120 box steel tubing from the rear spring pocket back to rear bumper.
16) TIRES:
     A) DOT Street Tires only.  7" maximum width.
     B) No snow tires allowed.
     A) Stock FWD type 13" or 14" steel. wheels only.  7" maximum width.
     B) Wheel weights are not permitted.  Immediate disqualification.
     A) MUST be equipped with operational four-wheel braking system.
     B) Stock four wheel hydraulic brakes required. No modifications allowed. No welding or modifying for disc brakes.
     C) Stock master cylinders only.
     A) NO "in-cockpit driver controlled" suspension devices permitted. NO weight jacks of any kind permitted. This includes fifth [5th] coils, etc.. ANY driver using "in-cockpit driver controlled" suspension devices or weight jacks WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM COMPETITION!
     A) Factory OEM style only.
     B) Mufflers MANDATORY. MAXIMUM decibel level permitted is 100 db at ninety feet (90').
     C) EXHAUST will EXIT OUTSIDE the Body.
     A) All Traction Control Devices are strictly prohibited.
     B) At NO time during the 2011 season and beyond will there be any type of ping control devices, dial a chip controls, timing controls or any modifications to the ignition control boxes, distributors, or any other part of the Ignition System. This includes any add on component or components inside or outside the cockpit of any competitors racecar. There shall be NO driver controlled wheel spin, timing or fuel delivery control devices in the cockpit area of any racecar.
     C) Any remote controlled components inside or outside the cockpit of any competitors race car are NOT permitted.
     D) A competitor found with any of the above mentioned will lose the complete device permanently, forfeit all points for the year and winnings for that nights events.
     A) An approved racing helmet is REQUIRED.  Snell SA-95 or better.
     B) Fire resistant driving uniforms are REQUIRED.
     C) Head and Neck restraints are REQUIRED.  (HANS device, Hutchens device, or Horse Collar type are approved)
     D) Fire resistant gloves, boots are REQUIRED.  Underwear and socks are recommended.
     E) Kill switch must be mounted in the dash area LEFT of the steering column, clearly labeled and accessible from outside the vehicle.
     A) Any car may be claimed for $1000.00.
     B) Claim must be made no longer than ten minutes after the feature race.
     C) Claimer (driver making claim) must finish on the lead lap.
     D) A competitor (BOMBER driver) may only make one (1) claim per season
     E) For a car to be claimed, it must finish in the 1st position and pass tech inspection
     F) Claimer must forfeit his/her car, as it was when the race was completed to the claimee.
     G) For a car to be eligible to be claimed it must win two (2) consecutive feature races.
     H) If a claim has been made, either accepted or refused, another claim may not be made for two (2) consecutive races on the same car.
     I) If the claim is refused, driver and car will be disqualified and lose any and all points accumulated to date.
     A) You may be given a simple warning.
     B) You may be asked to correct the infraction prior to competing.
     C) You may be disqualified when found and/or noticed with an infraction.
     D) You may choose to leave.
     A) ALL cars MUST be in good operational condition and be presentable in appearance, subject to the judgment of the inspection officials.
     B) Bumpers must be stock and can be reinforced.  Bumpers must be fastened to fenders or quarter panels (tied in).
     C) Car numbers shall be 2 or 3 digits, and must be a minimum of 18” high on the doors and roof or rear deck. Do not use reflective colors. Do not spray paint numbers on. Duplicate numbers are not permitted. Drivers are responsible for making sure that the numbers are legible for score keeping.
     D) No wings or tunnels of any type permitted under the car.
     E) NO "in-cockpit driver controlled" electronic devices of any kind permitted.
     F) No one shall be allowed to ride on or in the car as a passenger on the track at any time.
     G) "Tow hooks" are MANDATORY.
     H) "Wheel drapes" and "rear-end drapes" ARE NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME.
     I) Two way radio's are NOT permitted.
     J) If a rule does not say you can, DON'T!
     K) Lakeville speedway officials reserve the right to change and/or alter rules and procedures at any time. ALL OFFICIAL DECISIONS ARE FINAL!


Lakeville Speedway reserves the right to change and/or alter rules and procedures at any time. Any variation from these rules will be done in the interest of safety and fair competition.

The rules and/or regulations set forth herein do not express or imply warranty of safety, from publication of, or, compliance with these rules and/or regulations. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the Lakeville Speedway events and are in no way a guarantee against injury to participants.

These rules and/or regulations will apply to all Lakeville Speedway racing events.

Designated officials of Lakeville Speedway have full authority over racing events.

Decisions of Lakeville Speedway officials and promoters pertaining to the interpretation of rules that affect race procedures, and scoring of positions shall be final.

Questions may be directed to Randy Young 419-512-2203.

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·  Lakeville Cruiser Rules

    A) Any 1955 to present eight-cylinder rear wheel drive sedan with a minimum stock wheelbase of 108" OR V6 FWD cars.
    B)  No four wheel drives, pickups, mini vans, two-seat sport cars or station wagons.
    C) V6 Mini Trucks are now welcome to join the Cruiser division
    A) Bodies - must be straight, sound, and OEM stock steel only and remain in the original location on the frame. Rubber body mounts must be used, no cutting, chopping, shortening or lowering.
    B) No Aluminum Or Plastic Rocker Or Quarter Panels
    C) All exterior trim and moldings must be removed.
    D) Must have 3 bars minimum in front window area in front of driver’s head, screen optional but driver’s side window net is mandatory. All glass must be removed. NO WINDSHIELDS!!
    E) Light openings - must be covered, aluminum may be used.
    F) Sheet Metal - all interior sheet metal used for patching, covering or cosmetic purposes will be minimum 20-gauge steel. The only cosmetic sheet metal allowed in the driver’s compartment will be the dash area and rear firewall. All others must be pre-approved.
    G) Body must match engine manufacturer: Ford-to-Ford, GM-to-GM, Mopar-to-Mopar, etc…
    A) Grilles- plastic or metal must be removed and replaced with screen. Grille must retain original configuration.
    A) Roof - All metal bracing in the roof and roof post may be removed down as far as the bottom of the windshield and side windows. No lowering of roof allowed
    A) Fenders - may be cut a maximum of 3” above the tire and conform to original configuration.
    B) Fender wells - Inner wells may be removed.
    C) Hood - latches must be removed and replaced with quick release hood pins. Hinges may be removed and must be replaced with quick release hood pins.
    D) No open hood scoops allowed.
    A) Doors - inner structure, hinges and latches may be removed, doors must be welded shut. Doors may be fabricated with 22-gauge steel only and must be approved.
    A) Rear Quarter Panels - STOCK Body Panels
    B) Rear Fender Wells: inner rear fender walls may be removed.  Any openings must be enclosed with minimum 20-gauge steel.
    C) Fenders - may be cut a maximum of 3” above the tire and conform to original configuration.
    D) Trunk - latches must be removed and replaced with quick release hood pins. Hinges may be removed and must be replaced with quick release hood pins.
    A) May use tubing for reinforcement and repair of original frame.
    B) If a section of the stock frame is cut out it must be replaced with a stock piece of frame.
    A) Roll cage-is mandatory and must be constructed with a minimum of 1 1/2” O.D. x .095 thickness steel tubing.  Box tubing may be used to support the role cage.  6 point maximum roll cage only.
    B) The primary hoop must extend from both sides of the frame and meet the roof.
    C) Side roll bars are MANDATORY and MUST extend into the door panels.
    D) A MINIMUM of three (3) bars MUST be used on the left side of the car. Minimum of two (2) bars on the right side of the car.  Each bar MUST be a MINIMUM of one and one-half inch (1 1/2") in diameter with a MINIMUM thickness of ninety-five thousands inch (.095").
    E) An intrusion protection plate MUST be on the outside of the bars (inside the body skin) using MINIMUM 1/8" steel or MINIMUM 1/4" aluminum.  Plating to cover the ENTIRE door area from the frame rail to the top bar, front post to rear post.
    F) All bars near the driver must be covered with padding.
    G) Roll cage MUST be above the driver's helmet.
    H) The entire roll cage MUST be constructed of round tubing ONLY and remain within the confines or the body.
    A) Interior must be completely gutted.
    B) Firewalls - must be left in OEM stock location. All cars must fabricate firewall between driver’s compartment and fuel tank. The only alteration allowed is for installation of roll cage. Must be minimum of 20-gauge steel.
    C) Glass - All glass must be properly removed.  All window openings must remain open.
    D) All flammable material must be removed.
    E) The dash may be removed.
    F) Steering wheel - any steel wheel may be used. Outside steering column casing may be removed. Steel shaft may be used. If casing is removed, the shaft must be mounted with a heim joint. No tilt wheels.  Quick release allowed.
    G) Air Bags - Must be removed.
    H) Radios - Radios and Antennas must be removed.
    I) NO rearview mirrors of any kind permitted.
    J) If the battery is mounted in the driver’s compartment it must be securely mounted and covered in a manner that will not allow it to leak or dislodge in an accident.
    K) A properly mounted aluminum racing style seat must be used with a right side head rest.  Seat must be on left side of car, no center steering.
    L) Belts - A five-point safety harness belt are required and must be fastened to cage or frame. All belts must be dated no more than 4 years old and in good condition. Driver will be given one warning to get belts replaced before the next race. The second warning, the belts must be replaced before the car will be allowed to participate in any further competition activities. The only recognized date will be the manufactured date on the seat belt manufacturer’s tag.
    M) Floor pan - Stock steel unaltered floor pan must be used. The only alterations to floor allowed are to repair rust and may be raised 8” from center of drive shaft tunnel to door on passenger side. Minimum 20 gauge steel. No tunnels or air ducts.
    N) Speaker deck - must be left OEM stock.
    O) Nylon mesh window screens are required.
    P) ALL cars MUST have an approved fire extinguisher securely mounted within reach of the driver.
     A) None.

     A) The engine must have a working starter and a stock type ignition.
     B) Engine must be OEM stock for make, model and year.
     C) No porting, polishing, acid dipping, or balancing.
     D) Manufacturer's performance parts are not allowed. All engine parts must be OEM stock or stock replacement passenger car parts only.
     E) Oil pan - must be stock appearing.
     F) Intake manifold - must be OEM stock for make and model.  Aluminum allowed if car came equipped with one.  Absolutely no modifications.
     G) Timing belt/chain - must remain OEM stock.
     H) Pulleys – All pulleys must remain stock OEM.
     I) Smog pumps and Alternator - may be removed.
     J) Water pump - OEM stock or replacement.
     K) Ignition - must be OEM or OEM stock replacement. No after-market electronics
     L) Fuel system - must be OEM stock for make and model and meet exact stock factory specifications. Fuel injected cars may not have a cold start or fifth injector working, must be removed and plugged. No added vacuum lines to the throttle bodies.
     M) Stock OEM carburetor or stock OEM fuel injection for make and model.  NO Holley 4 barrel's.
     N) Air cleaners/Air Boxes - Must be STOCK and are mandatory .  No holes in hood.
     O) The engine must be in stock location.
     P) All cylinder heads must be conventional stock heads.  Must be stock OEM for make, model and year.

    * Stock replacement Heads ONLY, no Dart, World, etc.
    * Stock intake Manifold
    * MUST pull 18 inches of vaccum at 700 rpm
    * No Roller Rocker arms
    * Stock Diameter valve Springs ONLY

      Q) Valve job - must remain and meet stock factory specifications. No exceptions. No after market or swirl polishes allowed. OEM stock valve springs only.
      R) Camshafts - replacement camshafts are allowed but must meet stock OEM specifications.
      S) Rocker arms - must be stock OEM for make and model.
      T) Crankshaft - must be OEM stock for make and model. No lightening, milling or balancing. No modifications.
      U) Pistons and Rods - must remain OEM stock for make and model of car.  No modifications or machining. All parts must maintain stock specifications. No Heron pistons.
      V) Radiator - Any stock OEM or aftermarket radiator, Radiator support brackets may be fabricated. Radiator Must Remain in stock location. May use racing type coolant, antifreeze is not allowed.
      W) Fan/shroud- all cars must be equipped with a fan shroud, may be fabricated.
       X) NO Headers
       Y) All Engines MUST pull 18 inches of vaccum at 700 rpm

     A) Fuel cell is optional. 22 gallon maximum.
     B) A firewall MUST be installed between the fuel tank and driver's compartment.
     C) Gasoline fuels only, no alcohol or other fuels allowed.
     D) Tank or Cell must be securely fastened in the trunk of car to the frame or cage.
     E) If fuel lines are run through inside of car, they must be inside of metal conduit.
      A) Drive train - All components must be in OEM stock location; mounts must be stock or stock replacement.
      B) Transmissions - Automatic Transmission ONLY (with Torque Converter)
      C) Axles - AFTER Market or Heavy Duty Axles Are PERMITTED (Stock Gear Ratio, No 620, 650,etc)
      D) Rear-ends - No 9" Ford rear ends in GM cars.

    * Heavy duty axles or A better GM rear end (Impala , Cadilac) etc.

      E) No Detroit Lockers. Rear end must be stock width.
     F) FWD cars must pass same roller test as Mini Stocks
      A) Stock OEM only.
      B) Shocks / Struts - stock OEM or stock replacement only. No altering to make shock or struts fit. No adjustable shocks or struts. One shock per wheel.
      C) Springs - OEM Stock, must fit in stock mounts and stock locations; no modifications.
      D) A-frames - must be OEM stock for make and model.
      E) Trailing arms - must be OEM stock for make and model
      F) Steering components - must be OEM stock for make and model
      G) Sway bars - must be OEM stock for make and model, and remain in OEM stock location. No modification to mounts or links.
      H) Suspension bushings - must be stock or stock replacement, made of rubber or neoprene. No metal or eccentric bushings allowed.
      I) Rear ends - must be OEM stock for make and model
      J) Parts - may be interchanged according to the Hollanders Interchange Book. If Hollanders says it can be interchanged, you may use it. All other bolt on parts must be in OEM stock location.
      K) Ground clearance - Factory Stock specifications the ground at the very flat bottom side of the rocker panel. No modifications to rocker panels.
      L) Front Frame Horn – may be replaced with minimum of 2”x 3” .120 box steel tubing from the front spring pocket forward to front bumper.
      M) Rear Frame Horn - may be replaced with minimum of 2” x 3” .120 box steel tubing from the rear spring pocket back to rear bumper.
16) TIRES:
      A) DOT Street Tires only.  7" maximum width.
      B) No snow tires allowed.
        A) Steel only.  8" maximum width.  Oversize lug nuts required.
      B) Wheel weights are not permitted.  Immediate disqualification.
      A) MUST be equipped with operational four-wheel braking system.
      B) Stock four wheel hydraulic brakes required. No modifications allowed. No welding or modifying for disc brakes.
      C) Stock master cylinders only.
     A) NO "in-cockpit driver controlled" suspension devices permitted. NO weight jacks of any kind permitted. This includes fifth [5th] coils, etc.. ANY driver using "in-*****pit driver controlled" suspension devices or weight jacks WILL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM COMPETITION!
      A) Factory OEM only.
      B) Mufflers MANDATORY. MAXIMUM decibel level permitted is 100 db at ninety feet (90').
      C) Exhaust must exit outside the body parallel to the track.
      A) All Traction Control Devices are strictly prohibited.
      B) At NO time during the 2011 season and beyond will there be any type of ping control devices, dial a chip controls, timing controls or any modifications to the ignition control boxes, distributors, or any other part of the Ignition System. This includes any add on component or components inside or outside the cockpit of any competitors racecar. There shall be NO driver controlled wheel spin, timing or fuel delivery control devices in the *****pit area of any racecar.
      C) Any remote controlled components inside or outside the *****pit of any competitors race car are NOT permitted.
      D) A competitor found with any of the above mentioned will lose the complete device permanently, forfeit all points for the year and winnings for that nights events.
      A) An approved racing helmet is REQUIRED.  Snell SA-95 or better.
      B) Fire resistant driving uniforms are REQUIRED.
      C) Head and Neck restraints are REQUIRED.  (HANS device, Hutchens device, or Horse Collar type are approved)
      D) Fire resistant gloves, boots are REQUIRED.  Underwear and socks are recommended.
      E) Kill switch must be mounted in the dash area LEFT of the steering column, clearly labeled and accessible from outside the vehicle.
      A) Any car may be claimed for $1000.00.
      B) Claim must be made no longer than ten minutes after the feature race.
      C) Claimer (driver making claim) must finish on the lead lap.
      D) A competitor (Cruiser driver) may only make one (1) claim per season
      E) For a car to be claimed, it must finish in the 1st position and pass tech inspection
      F) Claimer must forfeit his/her car, as it was when the race was completed to the claimee.
      G) For a car to be eligible to be claimed it must win two (2) consecutive feature races.
      H) If a claim has been made, either accepted or refused, another claim may not be made for two (2) consecutive races on the same car.
      I) If the claim is refused, driver and car will be disqualified and lose any and all points accumulated to date.
      A) You may be given a simple warning.
      B) You may be asked to correct the infraction prior to competing.
      C) You may be disqualified when found and/or noticed with an infraction.
      D) You may choose to leave.
      A) ALL cars MUST be in good operational condition and be presentable in appearance, subject to the judgment of the inspection officials.
      B) Bumpers must be stock and can be reinforced.  Bumpers must be fastened to fenders or quarter panels (tied in).
      C) Car numbers shall be 2 or 3 digits, and must be a minimum of 18” high on the doors and roof or rear deck. Do not use reflective colors. Do not spray paint numbers on. Duplicate numbers are not permitted. Drivers are responsible for making sure that the numbers are legible for score keeping.
      D) No wings or tunnels of any type permitted under the car.
      E) NO "in-cockpit driver controlled" electronic devices of any kind permitted.
      F) No one shall be allowed to ride on or in the car as a passenger on the track at any time.
      G) "Tow hooks" are MANDATORY.
      H) "Wheel drapes" and "rear-end drapes" ARE NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME.
       I) Two way radio's are NOT permitted.
       J) If a rule does not say you can, DON'T!
       K) Lakeville speedway officials reserve the right to change and/or alter rules and procedures at any time. ALL OFFICIAL DECISIONS ARE FINAL!


Lakeville Speedway reserves the right to change and/or alter rules and procedures at any time. Any variation from these rules will be done in the interest of safety and fair competition.

The rules and/or regulations set forth herein do not express or imply warranty of safety, from publication of, or, compliance with these rules and/or regulations. They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the Lakeville Speedway events and are in no way a guarantee against injury to participants.

These rules and/or regulations will apply to all Lakeville Speedway racing events.

Designated officials of Lakeville Speedway have full authority over racing events.

Decisions of Lakeville Speedway officials and promoters pertaining to the interpretation of rules that affect race procedures, and scoring of positions shall be final.

Questions may be directed to Randy Young 419-512-2203.

[ Back to Top ]

·  2012 Payouts

ALL payouts listed are based on minimum of 12 cars. Less than 12 cars in any class will result in a 20% decrease in purse.

Lakeville Modifieds:
1st $500
2nd $300
3rd $250
4th $200
5th $170
6th $150
7th $130
8th $110
9th $90
10th $70
11th $50
12th $50
13th $50
14th $50
15th $50
16th $50
17th $50
18th $50

Lakeville Pure Stocks
1st $300
2nd $250
3rd $175
4th $130
5th $110
6th $90
7th $70
8th $60
9th $50
10th $40
11th $30
12th thru 18th $25

Lakeville 4 Cyl. Bombers
1st $150
2nd $100
3rd $90
4th $80
5th $70
6th $60
7th $50
8th $40
9th $30
10th thru 18th is $20.00

Lakeville Cruisers
1st $125
2nd $90
3rd $80
4th $70
5th $60
6th $50
7th $40
8th $30
9th $25
10th thru 18th $20

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All other content is Copyright ©2016 by Wengerd Enterprises Unlimited & Stormsoul Studios.  
All website content has been created by, and property of Wengerd Enterprises Unlimited & Stormsoul Studios. All Rights Reserved.

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